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Nr. 4 / 2007

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Jurnalismul de popularizare ştiinţifică în patru reviste din România
Andreea DOGAR

Magazines of scientific popularization
The study contains a quantitative and a qualitative analysis of four Romanian magazines of scientific popularization during the interval between July 2006 and June  2007:  Stiinta  si  tehnica,  Descopera, TerraMagazin  si  National  Geographic  România. Stiinta si  tehnica approaches more hard  sciences  like astronomy,  physics  or  biology  and  TerraMagazin, National Geographic and Descopera give more space to  soft sciences  like anthropology,  zoology, history or geography. The qualitative analysis  shows  that, while Stiinta si  tehnica  sees  in science an  ideal, Descopera sees in science and in its applications a solution for the problems  of  the  society and  even  for man's  improvement.  The  second  part  of  the  study  deals  with  the employ of the figures of speech in scientific popularization and it contains a colection of the most spectacular metaphors, similes and allegories in astronomy  found in the analysed magazines.
scientific magazines, research, journalism

Media Coverage of the Referendum on Szekely Land Autonomy - ethnic versus commercial and professional priorities
Raluca PETRE

Media Coverage of the Referendum on Szekely Land Autonomy - ethnic versus commercial and professional priorities  
The aim of the paper is to grasp the tension between ethic loyalties and vocabulary on the one hand, and  the  emerging professional or commercial constraints on the other hand in the media coverage of a potentially tensed ethnic situation. The site of observation is the journalistic text, coupled with the background information provided by my fieldwork on the transformation of the journalistic field in Romania. The author has as  topic of analysis  the  issue of  territorial autonomy of  the Szekely Land, more specifically  threferendum organized at the local level by the Szekely local councils in the towns and villages of this area in February-March 2007.
Keywords: territorial autonomy, media coverage, ethnicity


Unele tendinţe în configurarea spaţiului public al comunicării
Constantin HARIUC

A few tendencies in the configuration of the public space of communication
This study reveals only few of the aspects to be debated. These aspects are to be split into many points of view, which usually analyze specific aspects of public space, from  the perspective of different needs of investigation, and therefore a particular specialized perspective, having complementary, closed to or divergent meanings. Considering this approach, the study takes into account the controversy regarding:
- delimitation and defining of "public space" concept, relative  to its canonical form described by Habermas;
- identification of  the  communication in  this  space, based on comparative analysis with other forms of communication which usually are confused to communication in public space itself;
- public  communication models  to  understand  public  communication  evolution  in social environment, based mostly on  the  impact of  information and  communication  techniques which contribute to redefine the border between public and private. The main  conclusion  the  researcher  came  to  is  that  currently  there  is  no  satisfactory solution for this aspect, as too many controversies regarding contain and characteristics of public  communication  coexist. Moreover  there  is  no  consensus  to be  found  soon  among researchers  regarding  this  aspect. The wide spectrum of  the conceptual  interpretations, their restricted contain provoke their particularity and consequently they cannot be investigated properly, relative to the other fields and social processes. Therefore, the possibility of creating overall considerations on the public space of communication, which will lead to integrative conclusions regarding its characteristics, emergence and finalities, is very low.
public space, public  communication models, information.   

Dimensiunea ritualã a jocurilor online
Felicia GHERGU

The ritual dimension of the online games       
Online games' world has increasingly attracted more and more players as its seductiveness conquered both children and adults' minds and spirits. Virtual communities were formed, lured by the enchantment of the online games. My quest was to re-discover this new world through the eyes of an anthropologist. 'Ludic and ritual in online games' is an anthropological study of rituals and elements of rituals in online games. The novelty of this research consists in the analysis of the ritual dimension of online games. Although the  field provides the opportunity to witness  the genesis of a new community, and even find the key to the origin of rituals, until now the literature has done little  in  studying  rituals  in  online  games. The study  approached  the  online  strategy  game 'StarKingdoms', with a strong community and sense of identity. The methods of research are purely ethnological,  involving  participant  observation  and  open-ended  interviews.  This anthropological study on online games led to some interesting conclusions, which may constitute the basis of a new theoretical framework about the role and the effects of the online games' ritualization. The research concluded that in some online games one can observe political rituals, a certain ritual order, the ritual ceremony of war, a ritualization of the punitive act and multiple elements  of  ritual on  forums  (namely  their  carnival aspect). Moreover,  this  online game sees rites of passage and initiation rituals, as well as a specific element of online rituals, the avatar - the correspondent of the mask in traditional rituals. Also, one cannot neglect the particularities of the ritual mise-en-scene in the online games.
ritual, online games, anthropology


Arhetipuri narative re-activate de emisiunea "Surprize, Surprize"
Gabriela PREDA

Narrative archetypes reactivated by "Surprize, Surprize"         
Television offers pieces of authentic myths that people use in order to structure their real life experience.  The Romanian TV Show "Surprises, Surprises" managed to go beyond its entertaining mission in the conscience of its public by means of activating strong  feelings and emotions through  its  content. The producers  often  encouraged  the  audience  to  get involved in the show and to become authors themselves. The idea that every viewer's personal experience can become a model/archetype convinced the TV spectators to write thousands of letters to the host of the show so that to make a surprise to a loved person. In order to determine the most frequent archetypes in the text edited by the audience, we selected a number of 30 letters which narrate a story meant to be distributed in the show. The research revealed that the public structures its  experience  in  the archetypes previously presented  in the  show. Following the structure of the argumentative discourse in classic rhetoric, the texts render archetypes utilized by the public as a grid of interpreting reality. The selection of the subjects presented  in  the  show  is  determined by a mechanism based on multiple criteria, but the constant one is that of generating strong feelings, compassion, amusement and astonishment of the auditors.
Keywords: myths, archetype, television, reality show.

Vedetă pentru o zi
Teodora Viorica SALVAN

One-day star      
In the present study, I analysed the “Surprize, surprise” show, broadcast  by  the  Romanian  Broadcast Corporation, since 1999. I used the interview method, the interviewées being people”surprized” in the show. The study provides interesting conclusions on the interaction  between  the  show  viewers  and  producers, between  people  present  on  the  set  and  the  ”surprized”ones, between those ”surprized” and the producers’ accomplices.
interview, television, interaction

Media Events - eclipsa solară din 1999 - Studiu de caz
Bogdan Gabriel ENACHE

Media  Events  -  the  1999  Sun  Eclipse
The study hypothesis is that a natural phenomenon, such as  a  sun  eclipse,  may  be  media  covered  and turned into a media event. Our research confirms this hypothesis. It is interesting to analyse the interactions between  the  journalists’  coverage  of  the  event  and Romania’s  Government  strategy  of  promoting  our country’s image – the 1999 sun eclipse had the best visibility in Romania.
natural phenomenon, media event, strategy


Cenzura presei clujene de limbă maghiară în perioada stalinistã (1944-1953)

Censorship of the Hungarian-language press of Cluj in the Stalinist Period (1944-1953)
After the Second World War, the communist power of Romania has been gradually taken over the control on the press. The system of the Hungarian-language press of Romania has underwent substantial modifications. In Cluj, only newspapers controlled by the left parties were allowed to be established in the following years.  The communist regime has shortly developed the network of press censorship institutions. Besides the control effected by the Directorate General of Press and Printings,  the press departments of the party committees has regularly censored the newspapers. The reports prepared by the local institutions reveal a  series of interdictions applied both during preventive and subsequent censorship.
Keywords: censorship, communism, newspapers, Cluj, media.




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