Consideraţii teoretice asupra transferului genurilor jurnalistice dintr-un mediu în altul, Florin BADEA
EU Reporting in Romanian Media. A national framing of the EU issues, Mirela LAZĂR
EU Reporting in Romanian Media. A national framing of the EU issues
The study consists on both a quality and quantity analysis of the national news agendabut also a quality analysis based on interviews made with numerous journalists from the Romanian press. During the study it was extremely important the political context regarding the European Union due to the fact that the main subject of the national politic agenda was Romania´s accession in the EU. For the study were selected the largest national "quality" newspaper (Jurnalul National), the largest west-country regional newspaper (Renasterea Banateana), the most popular tabloid (Libertatea) and the news broadcasts of the public television station, TVR, and the main commercial channel, PRO TV.
Key words: identity, public sphere, agenda analysis, European Union
Le site Web de la petite agence-conseil généraliste : communication comme stratégie et stratégie de communication, Ştefan BRATOSIN, Alina ROMAŞCU
Le site Web de la petite agence-conseil généraliste: communication comme stratégie et stratégie de communication
Cet article, qui fait référence aux sites web des agences de consultation, essaye d'evidentier les enjeux de ce genre d'entreprises. L'observation a été faite sur deux plans: le premier - sur le role que l'ait une telle agence, en élaborant des stratégies communicationnelles pour des diverses organisations et le second a visée la propre communication de l'agence. On a forumlé l'hypothèse que le site web ne serait pas une simple vitrine des activités de l'agence, mais une modalité qui aide a remarquer la stratégie de la propre communication de l'agence. La recherche a été réalisé sur un echantillon représentatif de sites web, choisis par critères économico-sociaux et géographiques.
Mots-clés: strategie de la communication, culture organisatrice, reseau, systeme d’information.
Discursul naţionalist: valoarea naţională a teritorialităţii, Ruxandra BOICU
A Nationalist Discourse: The National Value of Teritoriality. Corneliu Vadim Tudor’s Intervention in Romania’s Parliament
The above-mentioned intervention was uttered în Romania’ Senate, on March, 13, 2006, 2 days before the celebration of All Magyars’Day, at Odorheiu Secuiesc. The intervention discourse analysis is meant to assess whether the speaker’s declarative change of his nationalist discourse to a mere patriotic one did take place. The beginning and the end of the speech are marked by concessive, promissive speech acts, thus committing the senator’s negative face. He builds a more reasonable argumentation and a more leniant attitude to the officials. However, he soon starts uttering directive speech acts that, according to C.Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1992, affect the officials’ negative face, invading their territory.Although, declaratively, the locutor is open to cooperation, în fact, he builds up a conflictual relation with one part of the real or virtual interlocutors, power parlamentaries, that he attacks with injonctives on the so-called Magyar danger. The speaker’s outbursts both against the pacifists and against the Magyar ethnic minority include offences under the form of paralogisms and corporal metaphors. The past inter-ethnic conflicts are turned into arguments for Romania’s territorial integrity. The intervention is dynamically interwoven by interactive and interlocutionary forces . The numerous rhetorical questions it contains can be analized, în J.Moeschler’s terms, 1985, as initiative and reactive speech acts: demands are satisfied by the utterer himself who intends to make a very prescriptive, explicit and extentional discourse, as shown by the intense epistemic and deontic modalization. In the end, the senator tries to restore or to save (E.Goffman, 1974) everybody’s face, using expressive and commissive acts în order to temporarily balance the ratio of force.
Key words: nationalism, discourse analysis, nationalist discourse, territoriality.
Vizita Papei Ioan Paul al II-lea în România (7-9 mai 1999), Cătălina MIHU
The Visit of Pope John the second in Romania (7-9 May 1999)
The author is trying to demonstrate that the Visit of Pope Joan the II-nd in Romania – 7-9 May 1999, has all the attributes of a media event. Although the most important manifestation of media events is present, as journalistic format, most visible in television, monopolizing the usual programme structure by live broadcasting, the most important characteristics are easy to identify in the written press as well, which changes its frame in order to shape and reflect the event. The visit in 1999 was broadcast widely by both the National TV station as well as the private TV stations, PRO TV had as host of the show Cristian Tabara, who is an adequate person for the religious specific of the event. The examples used for illustrating the characteristics defining the Pope’s Visit as a media event are taken from the written media where all the nuances of the registers used are kept intact, and respect the settings used by television.
Keywords: media event, symbol, pilgrimage, the social statute of journalists
Condamnarea comunismului în Parlament: un ritual de purificare, Diana PIŞCĂRAC
The Condamnation of Communism within Romanian Parliament
The article presents the event of sentencing officially the communism from a new perspective: the sentence as a purifying ritual. At the event level, the ceremony was expected by the public the press publishing a day or two before the Tismaneanu Report was finalised – document on which it is based the sentence of communism. The report was presented in the Parliament by President Traian Basescu as well as guests – important figures of anti-communism fight in Europe. In supporting the demonstration, six newspapers were monitored (Adevãrul, Cotidianul, Evenimentul Zilei, Gândul, România Liberã ºi Ziua) as well as before the event as after (during 18-22 December, until the event “out of news”). As working method it was used the analysis of the content, searching in the press texts the ritual pattern announced or not in headlines.
Key words: totalitarian system, “Tismăneanu’s Report”, ritual, symbolism
Vizita preşedintelui George W. Bush în România, Mădălina Gabriela STOICA
The Visit of the President George W. Bush in Romania
In the present study, the author wishes to analyse anthropologically the media event due to the visit of the American President, George Bush in Romania in 2002. Even if all press offers special attention to such historic events, they are television celebrations. When a media event occurs the watching habits change. The audience is massive. If televisions interrupt their regular programmes for live transmissions then the possibility of choice is decreasing. The viewers feel in a way forced to watch the big event and are frustrated if not. A ceremony as the visit of President Bush would not by watched individually, but in groups.
Key words: Media Events, Mass-media and the Public, Rainbow, “Contest, Conquest and Coronation”
Circulaţia presei române în Basarabia şi cenzura ţaristă (1858-1868), Maria DANILOV
The circulation of Romanian Press in Basarabia and the tzarists censorship (1858-1868)
Documentary proof regarding Romanian press entering Basarabia in the first half of the XIX-th century is very few. Reference news, known by know in our history writings, unfortunately cannot be verified by source. There are no specific works about the circulation of the Romanian press in Basarabia, but it has to be noticed that some aspects were though reflected beginning with the 30’s from the XX-th century.
Key words: censorship, official correspondence, Romanian newspapers, tzarist regime
Cuvântul şi campania de presă pentru revenirea în ţară a pricipelui Carol I (1929-1930), Romina SURUGIU
The word and the media campaign to support the return of Prince Carol, 1929-1930
This article focuses the return in country of the Prince Carol the II-nd and the campaign from that time which made possible this return. Published in 1924 in Bucharest, the daily “Cuvantul” made itself noticed, from the very beginning, by the political and civic attitude due to its various press campaigns made. Leaded by Nae Ionescu, the journalists from “Cuvantul” got involved in political press campaigns, supporting the National Peasants Party, at that time in opposition (1928-1929), and later when Carol returned in country (1929-1930). Another remarkable press campaign was the one focusing the “political termination” of the Prime Minister Iuliu Maniu, from the Peasants Party, in 1930.
Key words: media campaign, politics, “carlist support”, royal restoration
De Londres à Brasov. Une première presse illustrée au service des 'connaissances utiles' Jean Pierre BACOT
De Londres à Brasov. Une première presse illustrée au service des "connaissances utiles"
Le sujet de cet article parle d'un modèle de journal apparu en Grande Bretagne, modèle qui représent le début de la presse ilustrée et qui fait la rupture de la presse entièrement écrite. L'apparition de ce nouveau support a attiré des nombreux conséquences: éducationneles et économico-sociales. L'auteur réussit à faire une parallèle entre l'évolution de la presse occidentale et la presse roumaine, en insistant sur la Transylvanie et les activités journalistiques réalisées là-bas.
Mots-clés: presse généraliste, connaissances utiles, illustrations.
Les origines du fait divers dans la presse roumaine, Marian PETCU
Les origines du fait divers dans la presse roumaine
Cette analyse représente une esquisse historique de ce genre journalistique qui a contribué à l’intérêt du public pour la presse et indirectement à l’alphabétisation de la population. Les historiens de la presse attribuent, le plus souvent, au fait divers, à l’illustration et au feuilleton un role fondamental dans l’émergence de la presse à grand tirage et dans le développement du journalisme d’information. Il est indubitable que cette hypothèse se confirme aussi bien dans le cas de la Roumanie.
Mots-clés: esquisse historique, presse roumaine, presse française
Tăcerea, ca eveniment figural. Shakespeare în repertoriul Teatrului Naţional Radiofonic, Ana Maria MUNTEANU
Silence as a as a figural event. Shakespeare in the Repertoire of National Radio Theater
The present is extremely generous with the National Radiophonic Theatre, the best radio adaptations of the 80’s being still of great actuality. Romeo and Juliet, Othello and The Storm in digital version – collection edition – were republished during the 2006 edition of the International Shakespeare Festival in Bucharest.
Key words: Romanian radio, theatre, communism, ritual.