accesul la acest articol se face pe bază de abonement
Arina-Ioana MOGA
Television news channels positioning strategies
Revista romana de jurnalism si comunicare, nr. 1 (58), an XIV (XVIII), 2019
rubrica: Journalism
pagini: 32-38
Different strategies are used by media organizations to attract consumers. The technological revolution favored the emergence of unprecedented competitive dynamics, which led to a change in how media products are consumed. An unprecedented competitive dynamics stroke after a technological revolution appeared in the field, a fact that led to a change in how media products are consumed. The Romanian audiovisual market „is one of the most developed audiovisual markets in Central and Eastern Europe” (Cerban, 2012), with around 700 operating TV channels.
cuvinte cheie
News television, media market, positioning strategy
rezumat (a doua limbă):
es organisations de média utilisent diverses stratégies afin d’attirer les consommateur. La révolution technologique a favorisé l’apparition d’une dynamique concurrentielle sans précèdent, fait qui a mené un changement de la manière dont on consume les produits média. Le marché audiovisuel de Roumanie se situe « parmi les plus développées marchés de l’audiovisuel, de l’Europe centrale et de l’Est » (Cerban, 2012), ici fonctionnant environ 700 télévisions.
cuvinte cheie (a doua limbă):
télévision d'information, marché des médias, positionnement
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