accesul la acest articol se face pe bază de abonement
Bianca-Florentina CHEREGI, Ana ADI
The visual framing of Romanian migrants in the national press: A social semiotic approach
Revista romana de jurnalism si comunicare, nr. 2 (48), an X (XIV), 2015
rubrica: Journalism
pagini: 12-24
This paper discusses the role news images play in framing Romanian immigrants to the UK and how they construct the social issue of migration, in the context of freedom of movement for workers in Great Britain. In doing so, it focuses on the stereotypes about Romanians embedded in visuals published in national newspapers and on framing devices as semiotic resources.
cuvinte cheie
Visual frames, social semiotics, migration, stereotypes
rezumat (a doua limbă):
Cet article aborde le rôle de les nouvelles photos dans les cadrages médiatiques de les roumains migrer au Royaume-Uni et la construction de l’immigration comme une probléme sociale, considerér le contexte de la libre circulations des travailleurs dans le Grande Bretagne. La discussion se concentrera aux les stéréotypes sur les roumains dans les images diffusées par la presse quotidienne nationale roumain et le cadre-dispositif comme ressource sémiotique.
cuvinte cheie (a doua limbă):
Cadrages visuelles, sémiotique sociale, migration, stéréotypes
Accredited Publication by the National Council of
Higher Education Scientific Research (code 779), as B+, and indexed full text by EBSCO and ProQuest. |