accesul la acest articol se face pe bază de abonement
Repairing the Paradigm: The Fate of the Narrative in a “Network Culture”
Revista romana de jurnalism si comunicare, nr. 3 (45), an IX (XIII), 2014
rubrica: Public discourse. Narratives
pagini: 32-37
New communication technologies generated
unconventional products, and challenged narrative
theories to proceed with altogether new frames of
reference. In this context, the key question that we
face is whether the transfer of verbal narrative
patterns across different media involves radical shifts
in the founding relationship between story and
discourse, as defined by classical theories, and
whether this process changes the traditional
relationship between the product and its consumer.
The examples I will look at bellow try to show that
transmedia transfer has a significant impact on the
balance between story and discourse, in both
directions, and also results in an unprecedented
empowerment of the receiver.
cuvinte cheie
Network culture; empowering the receiver; storytelling; videogames.
rezumat (a doua limbă):
Nos propos portent sur la dynamique formelle de
la narration verbale au moment où, grâce aux
nouvelles technologies de communication, elle se
trouve intégrée dans un système de référence
transmédiatique. Les exemples qu’on a choisi pour
illustrer ce processus sont censés mettre en vedette
au moins deux de ses effets les plus significatifs : d’un
côté, le déséquilibre survenu dans l’équation
conventionnelle histoire (story) /discours (discourse)
et de l’autre, l’émergence d’un nouveau rapport de
forces entre le producteur et ses récepteurs.
cuvinte cheie (a doua limbă):
Théories narratives; récepteur; jeux vidéo
Accredited Publication by the National Council of
Higher Education Scientific Research (code 779), as B+, and indexed full text by EBSCO and ProQuest. |