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Médias et immigration: des mots aux maux
As political and social determinant, immigration is an issue to which the media attach special importance. Media are supposed to be describing the image of that complex social reality, but they contribute to build it by deforming it in order to make it conform to the expectations of some public opinion. We reported the results of a longitudinal research. We described the discursive processes by which a weekly makes and disseminates to the population representations of the immigrant. The period extends from 1981 to 1994. The analysis of articles was built upon statistical lexical analysis.
Responsabilité des journalistes et “public journalism”
Jean-François TÉTU
Responsibility of journalism and “public journalism”. This study dwells on the emergence and on the affirmation of public journalism within the context of increasing questioning of ethics – deontology-responsibility of journalists. In the form of rights or liabilities, the gate-keepers’/mediators’ responsibilities emerged in France ever since 1918. The new concept of “public/civic journalism” was launched in the U.S.A., and it refers to re-conquering readership, in that journalists do not confine to informing, they also aim at broadcasting the present day civic issues at stake in a community.
Key words: journalism, responsibility, public, civic, mass media, rights, liabilities.
Profilul psiho-social al liderului din instituții și organizații
Viorica Aura PÃUȘ
The Leader’s Psycho-Social Profile in Institutions and Organizations
The research concerning the leader’s personality features and social behavour have interested the scientific community for more than a century. This research interest proved to be incomplete without the interdisciplinary approach meant to include communication studies. The research put forth the concept of leadership, defined as the leader’s capacity to determine a group of people to co-operate with her/him in order to achieve the objectives, relying on a strong foundation of commitment and motivation. The second direction approached concerns the contrast between the leader and the manager, since speciality literature demonstrates there is no equivalence between a leader and a manager. I analysed the main typologies of leaders, reaching the conclusion that a leader’s performance is influenced by the group characteristics, the leader’s characteristics, the subordinate people’s characteristics and the organizational structure characteristics, with the prevailance of the leaders’ individual behaviours. Studying the leader’s profile, we explicitly referred to multiple intelligences (MI) and emotional intelligence (EI). The research relies on a survey applied on a FJCS master students’ sample of about a hundred subjects, concerning their self-portraits as leaders.
Key words: leadership, leader, manager, multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence
Cupoanele, suport promoțional
Particularities of couponing as promotional technique
The young Romanian market is gradually starting to assimilate the classical mechanisms of the promotional coupons, endorsed by consumers subconscious participation. Price-sensitiveness combined with a low purchasing power, underdeveloped sense of brand loyalty and yet increasing expectations from the part of the brands compound a fertile field for the successful development of coupon promotions. In the lake of a coupons tradition (dominant in USA market), Romanian consumers show a significant positive reaction to this type of instrument, being especially responsive to simple and easy to fulfill mechanisms. An important trigger of the whole process is caused by the fact that coupons allow them to experiment and play with a more evolved means of “trading”, a form of acquisition which remains distinctive for the Balkan space, and deep-rooted in the Romanian purchasing behavior. Moreover, a great advantage of the coupons is that they succeed in attracting disloyal consumers by inducing trial and yet without any negative effects for the brand equity, since the actual price on the shelf is not reduced. This is why, although disadvantages such as high non-usage rate, low control and poor innovation potential represent the main risks of coupon policies, this classical marketing and advertising tool remains a stable boost for tactical sales objectives, especially on extensive markets such as Romania.
Keyword : coupons, acquisition, marketing, advertising, markets
Comunicarea de crizã și strategiile de restaurare a imaginii
Cristina COMAN
Crisis communication and strategies in restoring public image
The "Danone crisis" in Romania, 2007, unveils the phenomena of ignoring the fundamental principles in public relations, of the inadequate implementation of the strategies in crisis communication, and of the launching of an official type of discourse that mixes up partial truths, lies, distortions all of them engendering exaggeration. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to create a consciousness with regard to events that may involve potential risks, and, in the long run, a culture of risk.
Key words: public relations, crisis communication, strategies to restore public image.
Arhetipul exploratorului în publicitate
Elena-Mãdãlina MORARU
The explorer archetype in advertising
The purpose of this article is to outline a profile for the explorer in advertising, using the analysis of several hypostases frequently met. The complex construction of archetypes allows them a certain degree of individualisation, but also a stability for the advertising’s heroes who live their stories today, illustrating the well-known myth of the hero. The choice of this type of building the advertising scenario presents one important advantage: it engages the curiosity of advertising consumer, which is invited to test the new. The object for this exploration can vary to a great extent: from spaces and ages , to identities, roles and posible life- styles. The brands to whom such a presantion suits, are the tradional ones, that sustain the same values, as the past is the guarantee for the future.
Keywords: archetype, hero, advertising, exploration, life-style.
Multilingvismul – cãtre o nouã ideologie europeanã. O analiza criticã
a discursului comisarului european Leonard Orban
Camelia-Mihaela CMECIU
Multilingualism – towards a New European Ideology. Leonard Orban’s Discourse – a Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective
According to Josep Fontana (1994/ 2003: 156), the European cultural diversity can be “conquered” again through the stepping out of the deformed mirrors and the demolishing of a liniar vision of the trajectory of history. The multilingualism portofolio, focused on competence, cohesion and mobility, constitutes the situational model promoted by the European Union and its final aim is the moulding of some social representations shared by all European citizens. We consider that multilingualism is the rebirth of a new ideology which, in Teun van Dijk’s opinion (2000: 9) is not meant just to offer a meaning to the European society, but to establish certain social practices as well. Having as theoretical background the multidisciplinary triangle (discourse – cognition - society) of the critical discourse analysis, we will interpret Leonard Orban’s speech delivered at Brussels, on October, 3, 2007 as the formal communicational event whose significance is built on certain experiential, relational, and expressive values.
Keywords: multilingualism, ideology, Leonard Orban, critical discourse analysis, values
Tendințe lingvistice în presa scrisã contemporanã
General language features of the written press
The study emphasizes the main features of the language used in the contemporary written press, regarding also the evolution of the journalistic language. The study case is based on the way that the language used in some newspapers/magazines has some concrete tendencies, such as: the use of many English words, the use of some incorrect words, the use of a specific language (viewed as a fashion of words). These are the features of the language used by common people, but also by the written press.
Key words: the general evolution of the language, English words, journalistic language.
Conceția Mișcãrii Legionare despre organizarea societãții românești
prezentatã în propriile publicații
Mariana BUICAN
The Legionary Movement Conception about the organization of the Romanian society presented in the proper press of the inter-war period
After the end of First World War, the system of the Romanian political parties has been greatly modified by different factors. In this domestic context, the right extreme trend has appeared, the Legionary Movement being part of it. The means of propaganda used by Legionary Movement in order to make their ideas known have been so many: letters, manifestoes, communiqués, brochures etc and evidently, the press. In The Legionary conception, press has played an important role because by it, there have bee presented solutions that had to be taken for organizing a new society. The Legionary conception concerning the place and the role of public and political institutions in society is also presented in the proper press: opinions about the democratic system, the state in The Legionary Conception, the universal vote, politicians and political parties, the state foreign policy etc. The Legionary Movement presented an ample social, political and spiritual phenomenon of the inter-war Romania.
Key words: press, conception, organization, ideology, propaganda.
Gheorghe Madan – agent al Imperiului Rus
Gheorghe NEGRU
This study reflects, based on National Archives of Moldova documents, some aspects of the activity of Gheorghe Madan who, upon his return to Bessarabia from Romania, in 1906, initially manifested himself as “personal agent” of Bessarabia’s Governor and later, from September 1909 – as agent of the Police Department within the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Empire. Gh. Madan was involved, through the denunciations he made to the authorities, in the expulsion from Chişinău of Sergiu Cujbă, editor of the newspaper Basarabia; in the anti-Stere campaign of the conservative press of Romania; in the analysis of the assimilation processes in Bessarabia and of the increase in Romania’s influence in the region etc. After advocating for a while the national rights of Bessarabian Romanians, Gh. Madan unexpectedly passes to the camp of those supporting the russification of Moldovans, thus contributing to the strengthening of the “colossus with clay feet” and to the undermining of the interests of his own nation.
Keyword: Bessarabia, censhorship, Russian Empire, Gheorghe Madan, press.
Al VII-lea Simpozion
național de jurnalism
Media programming and
media consumption in the rural world -
Conferințã internaționalã
Prof. James Grunig,
Doctor Honoris Causa